P-P-PowerShell Pomodoro

I have some time management issues, don't we all? Lately, I've been trying using the Pomodoro Technique to overcome the little distractions that can easily scupper a good work day.

(Price/piece)Clearance Sale! 60-Minute Tomato Kitchen Timer, Mechanical Counting Timer, Shower Timer The biggest issue I (and many others) have with implementing the technique is also the central focal point; The timer. A timer is essential... preferably a loud, clanky, ticky, tomato shaped kitchen timer. This just isn't an option in a shared office. Now, there are plenty of software timers already out there. (There's even a Google group for sharing the timers you've made). But what kind of software alchemist wouldn't make his own?

In time, I may make a Silverlight timer with some capacity for the lists and notes required by the technique. For now, here's a quick PowerShell script to just do the timer part. $mins = $args[0] $start=$(get-date); $diff=$(get-date)-$start $total=new-object TimeSpan -argumentList 0,$mins,0 while ($diff -lt $total) {   write-progress -activity $diff -PercentComplete (($diff.TotalSeconds/$total.TotalSeconds)*100) -Status "Work!"   sleep 1   $diff=$(get-date)-$start } get-date Download

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